Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sampdoria got rid of Cassano

Sampdoria finally managed to settle with the striker Antonio Cassano. The veteran has not been recently included in the plans of the management, but nevertheless he did not manage to leave.
In the summer, Cassano was announced that he will be sold to another club. However, he refused and was out of the group as during the whole fall he was not even in the group of `the sailors` for the games.
But after lengthy negotiations this evening both sides agreed to the termination of the contract and now the footballer is a free agent. He can now go anywhere as a free agent, but there is nobody interest in signing with him.
However, Sampdoria made a gesture to Cassano and allowed him to train with the junior team formation, until he finds a club. It is expected next week at the latest, his future to become clear.

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